BigList Members

Wintellect PowerCollections

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[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]


public class BigList<T>
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class BigList(Of T)
Visual C++
generic<typename T>
public ref class BigList

Type Parameters


The type exposes the following members.

Public Constructors

Public methodBigList<(Of <T>)>BigList<(Of <T>)>NewOverloaded.

Public Methods

Public methodAdd
Adds an item to the end of the BigList. The indices of all existing items in the Deque are unchanged.
(Overrides ListBase<(Of <T>)>..::Add(T).)
Public operatorStatic memberAddition
Concatenates two lists together to create a new list. Both lists being concatenated are unchanged. The resulting list contains all the items in first, followed by all the items in second.
Public methodAddRangeOverloaded.
Public methodAddRangeToFrontOverloaded.
Public methodAddToFront
Adds an item to the beginning of the BigList. The indices of all existing items in the Deque are increased by one, and the new item has index zero.
Public methodAsReadOnly
Provides a read-only view of this list. The returned IList<T> provides a view of the list that prevents modifications to the list. Use the method to provide access to the list without allowing changes. Since the returned object is just a view, changes to the list will be reflected in the view.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodBinarySearchOverloaded.
Public methodClear
Removes all of the items from the BigList.
(Overrides ListBase<(Of <T>)>..::Clear()().)
Public methodClone
Creates a new BigList that is a copy of this list.
Public methodCloneContents
Makes a deep clone of this BigList. A new BigList is created with a clone of each element of this set, by calling ICloneable.Clone on each element. If T is a value type, then this method is the same as Clone.
Public methodContains
Determines if the list contains any item that compares equal to item. The implementation simply checks whether IndexOf(item) returns a non-negative value.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodConvertAll<(Of <TDest>)>
Convert the list to a new list by applying a delegate to each item in the collection. The resulting list contains the result of applying converter to each item in the list, in order. The current list is unchanged.
Public methodCopyToOverloaded.
Public methodCountWhere
Counts the number of items in the collection that satisfy the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExists
Determines if the collection contains any item that satisfies the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodFind
Finds the first item in the list that satisfies the condition defined by predicate. If no item matches the condition, than the default value for T (null or all-zero) is returned.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodFindAll
Enumerates the items in the collection that satisfy the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodFindIndexOverloaded.
Public methodFindLast
Finds the last item in the list that satisfies the condition defined by predicate. If no item matches the condition, than the default value for T (null or all-zero) is returned.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodFindLastIndexOverloaded.
Public methodForEach
Performs the specified action on each item in this collection.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Enumerates all of the items in the list, in order. The item at index 0 is enumerated first, then the item at index 1, and so on. Usually, the foreach statement is used to call this method implicitly.
(Overrides ListBase<(Of <T>)>..::GetEnumerator()().)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode()() is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetRange
Creates a new list that contains a subrange of elements from this list. The current list is unchanged.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIndexOfOverloaded.
Public methodInsert
Inserts a new item at the given index in the BigList. All items at indexes equal to or greater than index move up one index.
(Overrides ListBase<(Of <T>)>..::Insert(Int32, T).)
Public methodInsertRangeOverloaded.
Public methodLastIndexOfOverloaded.
Public methodPrint
Prints out the internal structure of the tree, for debugging purposes.
Public methodRange
Returns a view onto a sub-range of this list. Items are not copied; the returned IList<T> is simply a different view onto the same underlying items. Changes to this list are reflected in the view, and vice versa. Insertions and deletions in the view change the size of the view, but insertions and deletions in the underlying list do not.
(Overrides ListBase<(Of <T>)>..::Range(Int32, Int32).)
Public methodRemove
Searches the list for the first item that compares equal to item. If one is found, it is removed. Otherwise, the list is unchanged.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodRemoveAll
Removes all the items in the collection that satisfy the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodRemoveAt
Removes the item at the given index in the BigList. All items at indexes greater than index move down one index.
(Overrides ListBase<(Of <T>)>..::RemoveAt(Int32).)
Public methodRemoveRange
Removes a range of items at the given index in the Deque. All items at indexes greater than index move down count indices in the Deque.
Public methodReverseOverloaded.
Public methodSortOverloaded.
Public methodToArray
Creates an array of the correct size, and copies all the items in the collection into the array, by calling CopyTo.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodToString
Shows the string representation of the collection. The string representation contains a list of the items in the collection. Contained collections (except string) are expanded recursively.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodTrueForAll
Determines if all of the items in the collection satisfy the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodTryFind
Finds the first item in the list that satisfies the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodTryFindLast
Finds the last item in the list that satisfies the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodValidate
Attempts to validate the internal consistency of the tree.

Protected Methods

Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Public Properties

Public propertyCount
Gets the number of items stored in the BigList. The indices of the items range from 0 to Count-1.
(Overrides ListBase<(Of <T>)>..::Count.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets an item in the list, by index.
(Overrides ListBase<(Of <T>)>..::Item[([Int32])].)

Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyICollection<(Of <T>)>..::IsReadOnly (Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodICollection..::CopyTo
Copies all the items in the collection into an array. Implemented by using the enumerator returned from GetEnumerator to get all the items and copy them to the provided array.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyICollection..::IsSynchronized
Indicates whether the collection is synchronized.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyICollection..::SyncRoot
Indicates the synchronization object for this collection.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIEnumerable..::GetEnumerator
Provides an IEnumerator that can be used to iterate all the members of the collection. This implementation uses the IEnumerator<T> that was overridden by the derived classes to enumerate the members of the collection.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIList..::Add
Adds an item to the end of the list. This method is equivalent to calling:
 Copy imageCopy Code
Insert(Count, item)
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIList..::Clear
Removes all the items from the list, resulting in an empty list.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIList..::Contains
Determines if the list contains any item that compares equal to value.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIList..::IndexOf
Find the first occurrence of an item equal to value in the list, and returns the index of that item.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIList..::Insert
Insert a new item at the given index.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIList..::IsFixedSize
Returns whether the list is a fixed size. This implementation always returns false.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIList..::IsReadOnly
Returns whether the list is read only. This implementation returns the value from ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly, which is by default, false.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIList..::Item
Gets or sets the value at a particular index in the list.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIList..::Remove
Searches the list for the first item that compares equal to value. If one is found, it is removed. Otherwise, the list is unchanged.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIList..::RemoveAt
Removes the item at the given index.
(Inherited from ListBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodICloneable..::Clone
Creates a new BigList that is a copy of this list.

See Also